BCICTS Hotel Rooms are still available at a standard rate of $399 per night. Unfortunately, the room block is sold out at the discounted rate of $259 per night at this time.

Please contact:
Catherine Shaw at: cs@cshawevents.com to request a reservation. Please also provide your name, email address, departure and arrival dates.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


*Beware of SPAM from operations@travelhosting.co.uk Do NOT reply to this email or reserve your hotel room through them. We thank you for your attention to this matter. For additional information, please contact Catherine Shaw, BCICTS Conference Director @cs@cshawevents.com

Please note: Registration is required for all attendees including SESSION CHAIRS and PRESENTERS. Only paid attendees will be admitted to the workshops, technical sessions, and exhibition hall.

The following steps will guide you through the registration process:

Step #1
Hotel Confirmation #

Please be sure to reserve your hotel room prior to completing your registration. Your confirmation # will be required to complete your registration. You can reserve your room using the link below:

Booking Website:

Next Step: Register Here

If you wish to provide your guests with the option of phone reservations, please use the following dedicated Group Reservations phone numbers of 1-877-901-6632 in order to make sure guests are able to access special block rates and ensure they book within the event room block, they just need to mention they are with attending the “IEEE BCICTS,” to receive the nightly group discounted rate of $259.00 single-quad occupancy.


*Early Rate ends on September 15

CONFERENCE RATES*2023 Early Rate2023 Early Rate Without Hotel = $300 Surcharge2023 Late Rate2023 Late Rate Without Hotel $300 Surcharge
IEEE Member$850$1,150$950$1,250
Student Non-Member$575$825$650$900
SHORT COURSE RATES*2023 Early Rate2023 Late Rate
IEEE Member$550$650
Student Non-Member$475$550
PRIMER RATES*2023 Early Rate2023 Late Rate
IEEE Member$425$525


To receive IEEE member rates, you will enter your IEEE login within the registration system for an immediate automatic lookup. If you are not an IEEE member and would like to learn about the advantages of being a member and receiving the conference member rate, please visit www.ieee.org/services/join or call 1-800-678-IEEE. Please note that you must be a member at the time of registration to receive the member rate.

Questions and Issues: If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact, Catherine Shaw, CMP, BCICTS Conference Director at cs@cshawevents.com.

BCICTS Registration Policy:

  • Cancellations must be submitted in writing to the BCICTS Conference Director at cs@cshawevents.com by September 15, 2023, to receive a refund less $75 processing fee. All requests must include a brief description of the reason for cancelling. Refunds will not be granted after September 15.
  • Changes/Substitutions must be requested via the BCICTS Conference Director at cs@cshawevents.com. All requests must include a brief description of the reason for cancelling. Refunds will not be granted after September 15.
  • 1st Authors must pay their registration fee to publish in IEEE explore whether they attend or not. No exceptions will be made unless authorized by the BCICTS General Chair. Any requests must include a brief description of the reason for cancelling. Refunds will not be granted after September 15.