Platinum Sponsor:

Sunday, October 15, 2023, from 8:30 am to 12:45 pm

Breaking the Barriers of VCO Design in mm-Wave: Overcoming Challenges and Exploring Solutions

Prof. Waleed Khalil, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212

The field of mm-Wave VCO design and analysis has seen significant growth with over 18,000 IEEE Xplore published articles describing new architectures, circuits, and analysis techniques, with more than 1500 dedicated to mm-Wave VCOs. However, this abundance of research presents a challenge to designers who must navigate practical limitations and potential trade-offs. This IEEE tutorial aims to provide fundamental knowledge of mm-Wave VCOs on silicon technologies, enumerate key design challenges, and discuss current and emerging techniques for building robust VCOs with enhanced tuning range, phase noise, and power efficiency. The tutorial encourages analytical thinking on various design techniques and challenges while providing new perspectives for addressing them.